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Match Analysis

Match Analysis


- Have a clear game plan
- Use your weapons
- Win more matches
- Only $125 


If you play competitive tennis match analysis is a must! Meike will bring her experience from playing on the WTA Tour for 10 years, coaching NCAA Champions Vanderbilt Women's Tennis and teaching thousands of students to help you win more matches! You will have a clear understanding of how to use your strengths and minimize your weaknesses. It's like having the former Top #30 WTA on court next time you go out!


Record your match

Simply take a video with a phone camera in horizontal mode, and make sure you have a wide enough angle to show both players on both sides of the court. MP4, MOV, Quicktime are great formats.


Order your analysis and share with Meike

Once you ordered your analysis, provide Meike with a shareable link to your drop box or google drive. 



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